Take care online to make sure you only ever buy Manm Smile™ Toothbrush.
We don’t sell our Manm Smile™ Toothbrush on other websites with words like ‘discount’, ‘cheap’, ‘sale’, ‘store’, ‘shop’, ‘toothbrushes’ etc. in the domain name. Avoid using these same words in searches online as they will generally link through to counterfeit toothbrush.
Manm Smile™ Toothbrush is a trademark registered brand under French Patent and Trademark Office. All images, creatives and our brands are protected under the intellectual property law. If you found any infringement property violation please report to us at service@manmsmile.com.
We are in the process of taking legal case against all counterfeit websites to protect our consumers. If you have bought a toothbrush similar to ours on any website, you may be at risk of getting a poor toothbrush quality or losing your order when they are out of business, so please make sure you stick to buying Manm Smile™ Toothbrushes ONLY from https://manmsmile.com.